Calm Before The Storm

25 Oct

The King and I got a reprieve from the steps this past weekend. For those of you who don’t know, we get them EOWe, which directly correlates with how often the King and I get into an argument. We were supposed to get them Friday but the ex-Queen informed us that the stepchild formerly known as Happy (SD9) had a sleepover and that Grumpy (SD11) and Dopey (SD4) wanted to spend the weekend with her parents.

First, this is complete BS. The steps spend every weekend they are not with us with her parents. Second, I am willing to bet that there are ulterior motives involved. Here are my thoughts:

1) Happy’s sleepover was most likely a block away from her parents’ home and she was too lazy to drive the hour and a half back to drop the rest of the steps with us. Or
2) She is looking to switch weekends with us so that we actually have them next weekend.

I already told the King that she didn’t give us the option, plus we made plans for this next weekend that do not involve them. I also looked at the ex-Queen’s FB page and noticed that she has plans to go out on Friday night (for the record, we are NOT friends. I checked Happy’s FB page). I just KNOW she will be pulling the switcharoo on us and the King will be too scared to put his foot down. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily dread them coming over anymore, but I just hate that the EX has the ability to dictate our weekends because the King would rather not get into a confrontation. He completely doesn’t see the point and is always willing to get them when she offers. And although I thought I had been getting along with them better, the last time they were here, Happy was a complete brat and I had my fill of her. I don’t understand how three little girls can come from the same family, two of them be perfectly nice and normal, and one of them be a spoiled, entitled, whiny brat. As a refresher, Happy, who I normally spend alot of time with (help her play with her hair, take her to the store with me, bake cookies with her, play games with her) informed DH that I am mean to her and that she wishes he had never married me. As you can tell I’m SOOOOO excited to see her again.

As a side note, I have been feeling down ever since the last time they visited and this incident occurred, which is why I hadn’t been blogging. But then I remembered by mission when I started this blog: to be a no-holds barred view of my life as a stepmother. I also try very hard not to talk about the Ex. I hate the fact that someone I have zero direct contact with is able to control so much of what I feel and can dictate how we spend our time. I sincerely had no major issues with Happy before this incident. She was spoiled and self-centered but also had good qualities. Now all I can think of is how she completely threw me under the bus and the King didn’t have my back. He still maintains his stance that she is a sensitive little girl having a hard time adjusting and that I am being too hard on her, which just makes me resent the both of them more. He has agreed to read Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin so that he can see more of what I am going through but has yet to open the book. I feel like I am letting this consume my life and don’t know what else to do about it.

The Stepmonster

2 Responses to “Calm Before The Storm”

  1. Soapbox Glory October 25, 2011 at 9:08 pm #

    I totally understand what you are going through…if it makes you feel any better, you are not alone. I have had my husbands man-child living under our roof of and on for 2 years now. He is a self absorbed, immature, lazy 20 year old who thinks I’m a nag (I’m not by the way)…imagine having to ask a 20 year old man to clean his bathroom for 7 days in a row before he acts like its the end of the world that he has to lift a finger in a house where he lives rent free. Anyway…at a recent ‘family meeting’ to discuss how horrible I am, I calmly expressed my list of frustrations with him and (get this) my husband backed me up and said he agreed with every word I said. So hang in there…hope exists…this is the first time in 5 years I’ve felt he had my back!

  2. marinasleeps October 26, 2011 at 1:28 pm #

    I know how you feel!!
    God I know….!!!!

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